Gaming PC

16GB RTX 3070 Mod Shows Impressive Performance Gains

YouTuber Paulo Gomez recently video Here’s how he modified a customer’s RTX 3070. It used to be one of Nvidia’s best graphics cards and had 16 GB of his GDDR6 memory. This change significantly improved performance for memory-intensive applications. resident evil 4, the 16GB mod performed 9 times better than the 8GB version at a low price of 1%. (The result is significantly smoother game performance.)

Unlike previous memory mods we’ve seen on cards like the RTX 2070, Gomes’ RTX 3070 mods required some extra PCB work to make the 16GB memory configuration work properly. Modder grounds some of the resistors on his PCB to trick the graphics card into supporting the mass memory IC needed to double his VRAM capacity on the RTX 3070 I had to.

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