
Alexandra Auder, Daughter of Viva, Tells Her Story in a New Memoir

Yoga was an accident that paid the bills. “I moved back to the city after college and lived with friends on Ludlow Street,” Ms. Order said. “I was depressed on the couch, trying to sell a book.” It was her senior thesis and her first pass about her life with Viva.

“I was like, ‘What the hell? I’m not ready for this,'” she continued. I could have been a waitress, but I had the tenuous idea of ​​becoming a famous actress or selling this book without doing any real work. .

Yoga helped her get off the couch, she said. She began teaching and moved in with Mr. Nehez, who she was finishing with as a bard. He built her studio in nearby Tivoli. It was the only yoga match in town for a while. And so began her sideways career. “In my mind, I was like, ‘I’m just going to do this for a few years,'” she said.

The book almost languished. She often dragged out her manuscript and read her passages to her husband until he stopped her. Her mother also read it early on, and she started calling it the “Mommie Dearest” book at some point. Oder and her husband approached Viva cinematically in a 2004 short film.viva viva, followed her as she prepared for an art show. But it wasn’t until her 2019 that Auder’s yoga satire started gaining traction.

Viva has not read the final version.Nevertheless, she is proud of her eldest daughter, she said in an interview. have After reading the book, he said he had to stop reading to catch his breath. He absorbs her daughter’s experience, feeling a little guilty about how she coped with her own complex upbringing, and “writing her finely chiseled prose professionally” into the paper. wrote to “

“Don’t Call Me Home” is perfectly cooked, its humor wicked and often heartbreaking. I am always afraid,” Oder wrote. As she writes, one day in her family therapy, her daughter, Louis, accused her of just that.The session sparks her memory of the night before Ms. Order graduated from college. . As Viva roamed the streets of Tivoli and Ms. Oder hid in Ms. Neez’s closet, she howled like a character in a Greek tragedy.

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