Video Games

Apex Legends Season 16 ALL Class, Legend, and Weapon Reworks Explained

Apex Legends Season 16 Revelry launches on February 14th with lots of changes for Apex’s 4th anniversary. A major rework to the Legend class system, new weapons, new limited-time modes and permanent playlists. , will be rebalanced with Arena’s farewell. Here’s a closer look at all the changes in Apex Legends Revelry.

Legend classes have been implemented before, but not many offered legends in each category. As such, the rework is focused on his five new classes: Assault, Skirmisher, Recon, Controller, and Support. Each class has individual gameplay perks for strategic gameplay value rather than combat.


concentration: Assault Legends are instigators. They focus on combat initiation and utility, using their abilities to initiate play or force their opponents to play.

Assault Legend: Maggie, Hughes, Ash, Revenant, Bangalore

Perks: Open hidden shelves in red supply crates for new weapons – upgrade your squad and

Carries extra ammo in inventory slots


concentration: Skirmisher Legends are escape artists. They focus on combat maneuverability and escape.

Skirmisher Legend: Pathfinder, Wraith, Valk, Mirage, Horizon, Octane

You can spot incoming care packages from a distance, see what’s inside, and see if they’ve been removed or are still there

Privilege: When a Care Package drops, Skirmishers can see the weapon inside the Care Package and ping it on the map to track when it was picked up.


concentration: Focus Legend is an information tracker. They focus on enemy intelligence and tracking.

Recon Legend: Crypto, Thea, Vantage, Bloodhound

Privilege: Recon Legends no longer scans for next ring data, but instead scans reworked survey beacons that reveal enemy locations on the map. (Scanning works like the map room in the Crypt of Kings His Canyon)


concentration: Controller Legends are Bunker and Area Denier players. They focus on setting up in a designated area and control that location.

controller legend: Catalyst, Wattson, Caustic, Rampart

Privilege: Controller Legend scans the ring console which reveals the location of the next ring so you can bunker down and plan the next location you want to set up.


concentration: A support legend backs up the team. They focus on team survival and supply.

support legend: newcastle, lifeline, donkey, gibby

Privilege: Everyone has access to a stash in the Blue Support Bin, offering high-value healing and survival items. You can create banners for fallen allies. even after that they are expired.

Scan Legends have dominated the meta all season, but they are finally being addressed in Revelry.

seer weakened Passive Scan is no longer always available, Heartseeker.heart seeker and Enemies can now hear when the seer is nearby Trying to use his passive.Prophet Increased cooldown time for Ultimate and Exhibition So he can’t throw it away in every fight he gets.

Bloodhound ultimate, beast of the huntstill grants speed and outline vision when activated, but No longer grants a reduced scan cooldown time. Instead, Bloodhound gets a new passive White Raven concept. White Ravens are placed near enemy locations When approached, they fly toward where they are.

Wraith It was our first competitive Legend who was long overdue to receive the buff. Longer Ultimate Dimensional Riftwhere she can place more portals and when she is ulting, Wraith will be able to Immediately Into the void using her tactics Without delay.

Pathfinder Gain a slight buff and he will be able to Expanding on his ultimate zipline gun than before Zip faster on his own zipline Allows him to escape faster.

horizon Her nerf, mistakenly implemented weeks ago, is finally here.Horizon tactical ability Gravity Lift no longer maintains accuracy When firing at enemies other than her Increased vertical climb speed on Rift.

Mirage It has also been a long time favorite in the buff. After reviving a teammate, Mirage and Revived teammates become invisible for 3 seconds Unless they swap to any weapon. When one of Mirage’s clones is shot, Mirage’s team will be able to chase the enemy for a short time.

life line She is also given a small buff to help with her survivability. Tap to revive a teammate no longer has a slow penalty and her ultimate Greatly increased care package slowdownwhich drops almost instantly after deployment.

There will also be a new weapon added to the energy class, Nemesis. A burst assault rifle that fires 4 rounds in a single burst, unlike the Hemlock, which can be continued by simply holding down the trigger. Nemesis reduces the time it takes to fire a burst of rounds the longer the trigger is held down, and then remains charged for a set amount of time.

The charge time doesn’t deplete as quickly, so it’s a bit forgiving about how long it can last without firing. is needed. Essentially it’s like a dedication when it’s fully launched without a turbocharger. Nemesis can use Barrel Mods, Extended Mags, Stocks, and any AR sight attachment.

Weapon changes are made each season with crafter rotation and care package rotation. In Reverie, Hemlock is now part of the care package A world drop weapon with a huge buff that increases damage and headshot damage.

Rampage It’s in the loot pool on the floor with car and the Volt added to Crafter. All Assault Rifles have been rebalanced to reduce hip fire accuracy Because they are best at mid-range and should give SMGs a chance to win at close range. R301 In particular, we’re getting another damage nerf Downgraded from 14 to 13.

there is now A gold shotgun bolt that grants the shotgun reload perk Whether you hold it in your hand or store it every time you slide it. All shotguns also get inventory for balance.

Unfortunately, Revelry is ditching Arenas for good and adding a new perpetual game mode, Mixtape, instead. Mixtape is a playlist with limited time roster of game modes Control, Gun Run, and Team Deathmatch.The mixtape will be released on March 7th, after the start of Season 16.

Speaking of Team Deathmatch, this is a new limited-time mode dropping in Revelry, a 6v6 fast respawn mode where the first team to win two rounds wins the game. Loadouts act like controls and can be selected at the start of a match and turned off during respawn. It also drops World Care Packages during matches.

The Team Deathmatch map reuses arena maps such as Habitat, Party Crusher, and Skulltown, and this limited-time mode will be in the game for three weeks.

You can finally customize Rifle range Fit for the necessary warm-up and weapon testing! There are settings in the explorable shooting range menu, where you can customize the armor dummy level, how it moves, or whether it can move, display hit indicators and damage counts, and even show where it hits and tracks. You can customize your spray pattern.

When ranked by Revelry, there will be no map splits, but normal ranked splits will still occur. The maps in the ranked playlist are rather than sticking to one map per division he rotates between Broken Moon, Stormpoint and World’s Edge every 24 hours.

We’ll be sending out video updates soon that detail each of these new visual changes. What are you most looking forward to in Season 16? Let us know! Check back here in two days for the full Apex Legends season 16 Revelry breakdown video update.

Stella is a Video Producer, Host and Editor at IGN. Her gameplay focus is competitive, her FPS games, and she has previously reviewed her Apex Legends, Hyper Scape, Halo Infinite Multiplayer, and her Battlefield 2042. Competitive She regularly hosts and screams Apex Legends and her Halo Infinite tournaments when she’s not streaming on her Twitch channel after work. out. You can follow her on Twitter @ParallaxStella.

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