Video Games

Bungie Employees Reportedly Doxxed, Bombarded With Racial Slurs And Death Threats

A Bungie employee was reportedly the victim of harassment in June. The harassment reportedly began thanks to tweets celebrating working with popular Destiny 2 players, leading to employees being bombarded with racist slurs, phone calls and text messages.

The harassment began after one Bungie employee tweeted in early June about a new collaboration on the game with African-American streamer Uhmaayyze. destiny 2report The RecordThe tweet may lead to doxxing and death threats against several Bungie employees.

Every Bungie game ever reviewed by IGN

This tweet received a reply threatening to kill the employee on June 14th. Following this, Bungie employees reportedly received voicemails and text messages on their personal phones from someone using an anonymous texting and calling app. The employee who posted the tweet had one voicemail left on his personal phone line.

In it, the caller used racial slurs and demanded that Destiny 2 include violent and racist scenes or DLC. The employee’s spouse, who is also her Bungie employee, received the same request text.

Later, someone using the same phone number ordered a pizza for the couple’s house after leaving a voicemail saying “enjoy your pizza”.

The incident reportedly prompted them to call the police and file a report.

A Twitter user named Inkcel was also threatening online at the same time, tweeting a photo of a Bungie employee’s staff ID card. They also tweeted that they moved from an employee to his 30 minute location. Two employees took advantage of a court order to text her messaging app to release the names of their blackmailers.

Doxxing and harassment are nothing new to the gaming community. Unfortunately it’s very common. While many associate doxing with streamers, doxing has been practiced in multiple gaming communities, including game developers, over the years. Earlier this month, a hotline was set up to assist streamers targeted in hate raids.

Destiny 2 has been in the news several times this year. early this summer, Destiny joins the PlayStation family as Sony completes its Bungie acquisition. they again, mobile destiny gamealthough the details are sparse.

Casey is a freelance writer at IGN. You can usually find him talking about his JRPGs on his Twitter. @caseydavidmt.

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