Video Games

Destiny 2 Anti-Cheating Legal Battle Seems to Lean In Bungie’s Favour

Bungie’s anti-cheat legal battle appears to be tilting in favor of the Destiny 2 developers after the court dismissed cheat company AimJunkies’ retaliation lawsuit.

As reported by torrent freak (and discovered euro gamer), U.S. District Judge Thomas Zilly sided with Bungie after AimJunkies accused a cheat developer named James May of hacking his computer.

“May failed to fully allege that Bungie accessed his PC and files without authorization,” Judge Zilly said. “To support his claim that Bungie had access to his computer, May relied on documents that he allegedly produced by Bungie during the discovery of this matter.”

He continued: “However, May does not explain what the document is or how it would prove an instance of Bungie’s alleged unauthorized access to his computer to download personal information.”

The lawsuit is ongoing and could be in favor of either party, but this dismissal could damage AimJunkies’ lawsuit in the first lawsuit filed by Bungie. I filed a lawsuit for violating copyright laws by creating cheats.

Bungie’s claims were called “ridiculously ridiculous” by the cheat company, stating, “Bungie and his lawyers seem to believe that the more you throw it against the wall, the more likely something will stick to the court.” I was.

It’s unclear when or how the lawsuit will be resolved, but Bungie recently reached an agreement with another cheating company called Elite Boss Tech that was forced to pay $13.5 million in damages.

Bungie has taken a no-nonsense approach to cheating and misleading indications in the Destiny 2 community. This is evidenced in these two lawsuits of his, and another in which Bungie issued a virtual manhunt against someone who issued his YouTuber in a bogus DMCA takedown of him, and ultimately sued that individual. It has been. $7.6 million.

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelancer. He talks about witchers all day long.

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