Gaming PC

How To Clone Your SSD or Hard Drive

Even the best SSDs are so cheap these days that it’s very tempting to upgrade your gear. However, migrating from one drive to another can be a hassle. It has the OS, apps, all settings and data. Starting over from a clean install of Windows (or Linux) would take forever, and you’d spend weeks trying to figure out what you forgot to add. Answer: clone the SSD.

Drive cloning is a quick and easy way to move an installation from an older, slower drive to a faster, larger drive. There are many ways to achieve this, Clonezilla being the best of them all. This live Linux distribution boots from USB or CD/DVD and uses a wizard-based system to migrate between drives, create installation images, and even spread the OS to multiple machines over network connections. Make deployment easy. Clonezilla only works for cloning Windows OS or Linux distributions.

Connect the new drive to your PC for cloning

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