Gaming PC

How to Use Jarvis, Microsoft’s One AI Bot to Rule Them All

With all the buzz around chatbots like ChatGPT, it’s easy to forget that text-based chat is just one of many AI capabilities. An ideal generative AI can work across different models as needed to interpret and generate images, sounds, and videos.

Enter Jarvis, Microsoft’s new project that promises one bot to rule them all. Jarvis uses ChatGPT as the system’s controller, and can use various other models as needed to respond to prompts.and paper (opens in new tab) In a Cornell University publication, Microsoft researchers (Yongliang Shen, Kaitao Song, Xu Tan, Dongsheng Li, Weiming Lu, and Yueting Zhuang) explain how this framework works. A user sends a request to the bot, the bot plans a task, selects the models it needs, lets those models perform the task, then generates and publishes a response.

The diagram below provided in the research paper shows how this process works in the real world. A user asks the bot to create an image of a girl reading a book, and she is in the same position the boy is in the sample image. The bot plans the task, uses the model to interpret the boy’s pose in the original image, unfolds another model and draws the output.

(Image credit: Microsoft Research)

microsoft I have a Github page (opens in new tab) You can download and try Jarvis on your PC with Linux. The company recommends using Ubuntu (especially the older version 16 LTS), but I was able to get the main feature: a terminal-based chatbot that works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

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