Gaming PC

Linux Kernel 6.2 Set To Enable Easier 4K Connections for Raspberry Pi

Good news for the Raspberry Pi 4 (opens in new tab) (or all-in-one 400 (opens in new tab)) Large screen owners are submitted in the form of pull requests for Linux kernel 6.2. phonics (opens in new tab)Updated drivers for the Pi’s Broadcom GPU in the kernel may make it easier to use 60Hz framerates at 4K.

(Image credit: Raspberry Pi)

Now, thanks to the dual micro HDMI ports, the Pi 4 can be connected to a pair of 4K monitors, displaying Debian-based desktops nicely at 30Hz refresh rates. For some this is not enough. There is an option to boost the output of one of the ports (the one closest to the USB-C power input socket) to 60Hz. To do this, you’ll need to edit the config.txt file from a terminal window and select it in the screen configuration utility. It’s a hassle, but it’s a perfect match for the Raspberry Pi. (opens in new tab) ethos.

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