Gaming PC

Linux Kernel May Drop i486 Support as Torvalds Backs Pentium Plan

The 486 CPU is somewhat of a relic these days, but its legacy lives on in the Linux kernel. i486 has been the de facto minimum for decades. Even Linux, which has long championed an outdated architecture, I am considering giving up Drop support for 486 processors on the chip, much like they did with 386 in 2012.

(Image credit: Photo by Matt Gibbs)

the news is Posting to the Linux kernel mailing list (opens in new tab) From Linus Torvalds himself.Recently keen to add something like the Rust programming language (opens in new tab)Support for Intel Arc GPUs and Loongson CPUs (opens in new tab) Regarding the Linux kernel, Torvalds is currently considering removing the venerable 486, writing:

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