
Modern Body Horror Is Turning Breastfeeding Into an Act of Terror

There are force dynamics at work here. Bogutskaya claimed that the scenes in “Infinity Pool” were about “female dominance, not upbringing.” As Mia puts it, James becomes docile and obedient when he becomes a “disgusting baby.” On “The Barbarian,” Davis said AJ’s position was similarly weakened.

Of course, completely natural breastfeeding can be met with dread, and public nursing is perceived as “highly abnormal in society”. But provocative. “Horror gives us something that other genres don’t. It’s sometimes dark and sometimes uncomfortable interpretations of feelings and experiences that are still taboo to discuss openly.” said Bogutskaya. However, Arnold was careful that violent and unnatural representations in these films could have a dangerous “staying power” and affect how we view natural acts.

Whether or not breastfeeding is a source of fear doesn’t just depend on supervision. “Having been breastfeeding children for many years, I think I see it in a completely different way than men do,” Hudecki said. It was a time of great connection and an endless and often painful prison of responsibility.”

Innocent, childish, sexual and wholesome, this mass of contradictory effects is such a rich source of inspiration. Ultimately, images force us to confront what scares us most: our own origins.

“These images remind us that we are from another body, that we are instinctively connected to another body at some stage,” Harrington said. are contained individuals, our navels tell us otherwise.

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