Gaming PC

New Windows Terminal Preview Boasts Themes and Colors Galore

The new preview version of Windows Terminal makes your code more personalized. Version 1.16 (opens in new tab) has new theme properties for customizing the developer tools.

The theme’s global properties are the most important changes. Themes can only be created by editing JSON, but they will appear later in the settings UI under “Themes”. Here is a sample of her JSON provided by her Kayla Cinnamon, Windows Terminal program manager. blog post (opens in new tab) Feature announcement:

        "name": "Grace Kelly",
            "background": "#00515EFF",
            "showCloseButton": "always",
            "unfocusedBackground": null
            "background": "#061612FF",
            "unfocusedBackground": "#061612FF"
            "applicationTheme": "dark"

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