Video Games

Pentiment Preview: One Monk Invents a Murder in Fallout New Vegas Director’s Latest Adventure

Years ago I used to frequent a website called The Toast. There, along with great columns and critiques, various literary geek gags were published.two monks.The two monks spent most of the episode joking about the “correct” way of depicting various animals, people, and objects in a dialogue between the famous religious duo who were trying to understand the best practices of medieval art. Written as real work of art. If you have any experience with medieval art, you will find that the field is quite bizarre out of context. So most of the conversation was along the lines of how many eyes a dog should have (Seven), what is professional wrestling (confused) and whether the birds have a meeting (yes, Complete with meeting hat).

But the best thing about Two Monks is the strange attention to detail that made the real people of the era look more like real people. Not the intangible lofty figures who often seem to look to mainstream history. This game is much more serious than his Two Monks, but I recall a column passionately incorporating strange details that don’t often appear in mainstream depictions of medieval Europe. Detail strips away the humanity of an age that we cannot personally experience.

pentiment screen

Following the murder of the aristocrat Lorenz Rosvogel and the well-deserved denunciation of the monk, who was found holding a bloody dagger near his corpse, I plunged medialessly into the pentimo. However, Andreas is a friend of a monk who claims he did not commit the crime, and Andreas conducts an investigation that eventually leads to accusing another culprit. In my demo, I was able to choose between three different research methods. Rather than examine the corpse, or question another man who might know something, I decided to interrogate the mean widow who was observed cursing the nobles before her death. did.

Glimpses into the background of real medieval history and fictional characters are shown in precise numbers, and sometimes the cryptic image of a cat carrying a flask of fire on its back.

Pentiment’s gameplay is straightforward. It’s mostly conversational and choice-based, but I played a few quick point-and-click mini-games as I did chores for the widow, like breaking sticks and hanging things on walls. But like any proper manuscript, Pentiment pays attention to detail. The words are spread across the page in a unique flowing font (which can be turned off if desired), as if the hand were writing them as the story unfolded. I liked the misspelling, but it was corrected after a while, emphasizing the presence of the human storyteller behind the word. The highlighted words are spread across the pages of much larger manuscripts that offer detailed glimpses into the background of real medieval history and fictional characters, sometimes indicated by precise numbers and sometimes with a flask of fire on their backs. It is inexplicably shown with an image of a cat on its back.

And the choice itself was never easy. My goal was to convince her widow to tell me why I cursed her nobles, but it was difficult to gain her trust. Housework alone was not enough. As we spoke, I learned of her deep and understandable mistrust of the very church she served. He put him in an uncomfortable position between remaining faithful but falling out of widow’s favour, or committing a series of petty betrayals that could jeopardize his investigations and career. get the information he needs. There were no easy answers, and even stranger, there seemed to be no right or wrong answers. Muller’s investigation continues regardless of the context or amount of clues he gathers, leaving me pleasantly uncertain whether, in Widow’s case, the whole interaction was a true success or failure situation. I could have learned more. This one interaction of his briefly confirmed Pentiment’s early promise that we might never really know who was the killer in the end, but it was also a testament to who should be punished for the crime. Thoughts about what was certainly formed.

We never really know who the killer really is by the end, but it certainly forms an idea of ​​who should be punished for the crime.

All of this was occasionally punctuated by the influence of Marat’s background, which he chose at the start of the session. Options such as logic, Latin, astronomy, and oratory formed the basis of his education, and options such as theology, law, or medicine were options for his subsequent studies, which at various times and levels he took to school. I was able to choose what I learned in My choice to give Marat the art of oratory passively enhanced his ability to persuade the widow to work with him, and his theological “degree” enabled him to think new thoughts that would not exist. I realized that by giving him a stream of , it was possible to make a considered argument in favor of the church. Other than that. That said, the widow was actively against ecclesiastical things, so that particular skill seemed to actively prevent me from interacting with her – perhaps it was more There were plenty of other conversations that were suitable, but another skill in my repertoire may have made her… more docile.

At the end of the demo session, you had to play a short round of a card mini-game where you bet on whether a randomly drawn card would match yours. The rules are simple, but the real excitement was in the card conversation at his table. Between rounds, the characters I was playing seemed to be discussing the latest village gossip and commenting on people they had never met at all during demo sessions. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly how helpful it is to do, but the flavor it added to a village I’d only glimpsed so far has left me craving more than once (that I was dirty did not hurt) enrich them too).

Pentiment is catnip for history and literature geeks like me, and the actual gameplay interactions are otherwise fairly straightforward, so expect the final product to make the difference between life and death by its writing and story. But so far, the script and storyline have proven intriguing in illuminating complex, bizarre but down-to-earth humans, including Fallout New Vegas and others. Not surprising, given Sawyer’s directorial resume. I didn’t have to delve into their anguish to find much to do. , is drawn to the way Pentimuto reveals the role of the narrator or storyteller who characterizes the meaning of the interaction. Written dialogue and detailed manuscript background. In just 30 minutes, many opinions were expressed about the circumstances that led to the murder of the nobleman. I can’t wait to spend hours with these brutal and quirky villagers and find out what other secret crimes they and I may have subtly committed.

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