Video Games

Skyrim Mod Uses ChatGPT and Other AI Tools to Give NPCs a Memory and Endless Things to Say

A Skyrim modder named Art From The Machine uses ChatGPT and other AI tools to give NPCs memories of their adventures, endless words, and voices.

As reported by PC gamer, This mod uses ChatGPT in combination with xVASynth for text-to-speech. This allows NPCs to speak these new answers in an AI version of her voice and use her Whisper for text-to-speech, so players can ask questions using their voice via the microphone. I can. they.

as you can see In this video, The new responses from NPCs aren’t entirely natural yet and can be a bit slow, but they show promise for a world where NPCs can comment on nearly everything you do and even answer questions directly from the player. I’m here. A canned response from a list of dialog options.

For example, a video published by Art From The Machine shows a conversation with Ulfberth War-Bear from Warmaiden’s in Whiterun. Players can ask him when the store is open or how much time is left before it closes. In-game clock.

He is also seen describing the sword the player picks up, demonstrating that NPCs can dynamically describe various items in the world as part of their conversation, of course, if they have the proper knowledge. I’m here. some menus.

“It’s like an elaborate iron sword with a Soul Gem embedded in the hilt. Its enchantment allows the wielder to capture the souls of his enemies,” says Ulfberth War-Bear.

As for NPCs remembering conversations, Art From The Machine is working with ChatGPT to use a basic memory system to make this possible.

“I have a rudimentary memory system set up and have ChatGPT summarize conversations on exit to help summarize conversations for future prompts.” Art From The Machine said on Reddit: “There are much more sophisticated tools for handling memory, such as Langchain, which I hope to implement in the future.”

While the technology is clearly impressive, one of the biggest ongoing questions is whether AI-driven text can match human text. Sure, it’s cool to have endless content in a game, but if it doesn’t feel realistic or layered or handcrafted in the context of our own past experiences and identities, does it matter that much? will tell you.

For more, check out all the content from IGN’s AI Week. Whether AI will bring doom to animation, how AI will change video games forever, how gamers are using his ChatGPT to create brand new RPGs, why ChatGPT seems to be everywhere, and more.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @Adam Bankhurst and Cramp.

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