Video Games

Soulslike Game Bleak Faith: Forsaken Accused of Using Elden Ring and Other FromSoftware Animations

Bleak Faith: Forsaken developer Archangel Studios has been accused of proprietary animations from FromSoftware games, including Elden Ring.

As reported by PC gamer, there are some striking similarities between some of Bleak Faith’s animations and animations such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls.a compiled the compilation These instances include Bleak Faith’s big sword-wielding enemies with attacks similar to the Abyss Watchers in Dark Souls 3. Some characters have movements and animations similar to Malenia from Elden Ring.

Above Steam ForumsA developer named Roia said of the accusations:

“I’ve heard this comment before, but the animation is publicly available and has been around for a long time, so you can buy your own if you want. Any other questions or concerns will be addressed by Epic themselves. is needed.”

Roia continues: The Marketplace was used to populate general art, curated for general art direction needs. Around 10% of all game art comes from there. ”

over the weekend, A Twitter user accused Bleak Faith’s reward icon of being AI-generated.and Archangel Studios explained that the use of AI-generated images was “a bit of an oversight” and that the studio would redo them.

Commercial gaming products are rarely accused of reusing animations, but it has happened in the past. was accused of stealing animation.

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