Video Games

Tears of the Kingdom: Everyone Loves the Man With the Bucket on His Head in New Trailer

Oh my god Tears of the Kingdom trailer. Rockets, mechs, hot Ganondorf, Prince Sidon, swimming, Link in a flying squirrel suit and, of course, Buckethead, your new best friend in the Tears of the Kingdom community.

If you missed Buckethead in the trailer, we can’t blame you. Look again. He appears in the trailer at approximately 3:12.

Are you still missing him? Join the community to find out more.

There he is! who is he? We never saw this man. He’s just a normal guy, with no weapons, he thought he needed armor for the epic battle he and Link and the others were about to go to, so he grabbed the nearest object for his helmet. I am very proud of him.

Bucketman hype isn’t just on Twitter. The Tears of Kingdom community on Reddit again have a field Day and he.

What is it about this man that is so relatable? Perhaps, in Breath of the Wild, Link’s adventures felt lonely even in town. But in Tears of the Kingdom, he seems to be recruiting not just a champion, but an entire army of fools like this fellow who sincerely wants to save the world with you.

Or maybe it’s because all of us who play the game are likely closer to Buckethead’s heroism than Link. It’s important anyway.

Or maybe it’s just him looking ridiculous in a pretty serious trailer. Either way, I’m a fan of yours, buckethead man.

Today we have a deluge of Tears of the Kingdom content thanks to a new (and final) story trailer that breaks down so you don’t miss any detail. Nintendo’s official site has already revealed where the Tears of the Kingdom adventure will begin, and has also confirmed Zelda 1’s callback his boss.

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. you can find her on her twitter @duck valentine.

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