Video Games

The Finals Preview: This Hunger Games Shooter-Style FPS Shows Promise But Has Major Issues

The Finals is a fast-paced first-person shooter with an arcade-style game style and a focus on game show mechanics. What makes it unique is that it can destroy everything—everything. There’s a lot to figure out, but after playing a lot, if the game isn’t clunky and buggy, all the elements work quite well.

All for the Fame

The premise of The Finals is that you are a contestant in a virtual combat entertainment game show. You compete for fame, money, and the opportunity to earn generous sponsors. Developer Embark Studios says The Finals was inspired by The Hunger Games, Gladiator, and other arena-style competitions. Options are pretty limited, but you can customize your own competitors.

The maps of The Finals matches take place in real locations with dynamic time of day and weather conditions such as fog and rain that are randomized each time you start a new game. I’ve played with Monaco, a more horizontal melee map, and Soul, a vertical map with lots of height and layers.

go to work, pay

The Finals will feature lobbies of 4 teams of 3 players competing for the highest amount cashed out. As such, the only way teams earn points is by banking their money. Throughout the map there are Vault spawns that your team can capture. Once you’ve unlocked cash in Vault, you’ll need to carry a box of cash in your hand. Therefore, those who have cash cannot use weapons, but they are free to move around, such as climbing, ziplining, jumping, padding, and running.

With a box of cash in hand, you must bank the money for your team and run it to a cashout spot where you can move up in the leaderboards. It takes a long time to secure a real deposit for the team. So you can choose to stay and defend against enemy teams trying to steal your uploads, or run to get more cash or steal someone else’s uploads. The actual deposit time seemed a little too long, but I was able to hijack the upload just before it finished, so I could steal someone’s $30,000 deposit at the last second of him. I really enjoyed the potential aspect.

In tournament mode, the match is basically the same, but it starts with a knockout round where the top two winners in the lobby move on and last until the winner is announced. As such, the matches are a little longer in terms of length of time as they are roped into the actual tournament format game.

In addition to Hunger Games-like competition, there is an announcer commentating on the game, pointing out which teams have been wiped out, random events that may start, double damage, etc., and which teams have successfully cashed out. To do. This is a fun mechanic that I actually enjoyed, as the announcer would tell everyone in the lobby what was going on so the team couldn’t camp somewhere and hide.

play with coins

The final is not a battle royale. Whether or not your team will respawn you via a timer that counts down, it allows multiple respawns and when that timer runs out you have to “enter a coin” to respawn. There is a limit of 2 respawns per person, but teammates can always revive you. In tournament matches, each player can respawn twice, but he gets 1 extra coin each time he advances to the next round. Trophies can also be dragged to a safer position and rejoined in combat to encourage teammates to revive.

Speaking of picking up trophies, you can pick up virtually anything in the environment. Similar to normal game logic, flammable canisters can be picked up and thrown against walls to destroy them, or thrown at players to injure them. There’s also a canister of toxic gas and his signature Goo container from The Finals that you can throw away.

Goo containers, grenades, and guns make use of this weird inflating bubble-like wall concept from The Finals. It unfolds and hardens when it lands and looks like a little plush cloud barrier that provides a bit of cover.

Incarnation of Chaos

The most unique aspect of The Finals is Everything can be destroyed. Every wall, building, new goo element… you name it. The destruction happens server-side, so everyone experiences the same destruction in the same lobby. Being able to run around and literally steal ground from enemy teams and take money from them is the most fun aspect of The Finals.

This sets The Finals apart from other shooters that require you to strategically position yourself and break through rooms.where you can violate anywhere There are no safe corners. You can’t play The Finals like a typical shooter. i love it Chaotic and unpredictable, this game is truly exhilarating for a first-person shooter. No more camping out in corners when you can RPG through floors and walls to uncover enemy teams trying to cash out.

Of course, in a fully destructible environment, the chaos it creates has its upsides and downsides. The upside is that destroying the ground they’re standing on and breaking down the wall between you and them can confuse and terrorize them all the time. The trick is to confuse yourself and create an environment where you can’t see anything around you while you’re at it.

There were several points in the match where I was constantly on the ground with so much destruction that I couldn’t see my teammates, my opponents or my own location. I don’t think this is terrible, but it’s a lot of visual clutter and probably very overwhelming for new players learning the game and trying to understand how gunplay and movement work. Like Overwatch or Apex, it might be easier to understand if the game was longer, but it definitely was a lot when it came to my feet.

Confusion is fun to deal with when I can actual But play. The first preview version I played was only shown to a small number of press and influencers, but it worked flawlessly and without any hiccups. However, the current closed beta, where players can register and join in on Steam, has seen a huge setback in performance that makes it hard to believe it’s the same game.

You can hardly get 30 fps, especially when destruction occurs. Games can sometimes look like slideshows, and even with everything turned down and in performance mode, The Finals just couldn’t keep up. There was also this awful static noise that was constantly playing in the background of the game sounds, giving me headaches after trying to combat frame rate and game issues.

Please select a contestant

The equipment, capabilities, and competitors are all great, but leave a little to be desired. You can customize your competitors, characters, and choose from three builds (basically classes). These three base body builds differ in execution speed, HP levels, and selective access to items, weapons, and signature abilities.

  • light build
    • 150 HP, fastest running speed, sniper and submachine gun specializations
  • medium meat
    • 250 HP, balanced run speed, specialization for assault rifle and shotgun grenade launcher
  • heavy
    • 350 HP, slowest cruising speed, specialization for light machine guns and grenade launchers

The various abilities and signature weapons were cool, but there was a huge imbalance that was evident from the start. It was a big deal considering it could run much faster than the build.

Medium builds had issues with healing streams being incredibly fast and efficient, healing teammates almost instantly. So, with a dedicated healer, you’re essentially never going to die. Also, if you combine a medium build with another medium build, he doesn’t go down with just 2 healers on the heavy build.

Speaking of heavy builds, here’s the real problem. The Heavy basically has access to Reinhardt’s shield-like wall that blocks bullets from hitting you, but can also be shot by teammates.The Heavy’s exclusive gun is his 6-round grenade launcher, which is mostly of players have been found to be spamming. This is because it destroys walls, buildings, and everything else and seriously injures the player.

Tightrope walking

There was no cap on how many people in a team could be a class type. So virtually all heavys, all mediums, or all lights if desired could be stacked with the same gun. So I ran into a lot of teams running 1 medium player and his 2 heavy players spamming grenades his launcher. Their Medium healed the Heavy that protected the team from damage. With each update The Finals implemented, the game seemed to really struggle to find a balance between weapons and builds. The current Closed He Beta has too many one-shot weapons that completely suck the wind out of a fair fight.

The Beta was completely different than the preview build, and the balance kept changing, so even Killing Time couldn’t find its foundation. I found myself having to switch to my most powerful gun in that new update and use it while firing single shots with the same weapon. Just trying to spawn and play a game was incredibly frustrating. Teammates would often disconnect and just start a new game.
The final is hampered by destructible environments and visual clutter from long kill times, as it’s incredibly easy for enemies to flee and regenerate health when you can’t see anything.

Otherwise, The Finals is a fun fast-paced game that I really want to enjoy and succeed in, but the balance issues are so noticeable that it’s frustrating to play and enjoy. , Embark’s team received feedback very quickly and adjusted the balance issues between guns and abilities. This showed the possibility that The Finals could survive in his FPS world.

I really hope The Finals exists in the current FPS space. The amount of in-game ambition is exciting to watch and fun to play, but there’s a huge chance that The Finals won’t find its footing on the balance to sustain as a major FPS contender. There are big concerns about how the game is “balanced” with each minor patch, but since it’s still in beta, we’re giving it a chance. There’s also no mention of how much the battle pass will cost or how much the cosmetics will cost after the beta ends, so it’s unclear how monetization will work.

Finals is at least a unique take on the FPS space with strong mechanics, movement and gunplay, but the current bugs and performance issues keep us from getting close until we know we can take our eyes off 15fps. It was very disappointing to see the preview build and the public beta build completely different and full of even more issues.

While being able to respond quickly to feedback is great, it’s very difficult for developers and players to keep up with live service games. We’ll see what kind of audience The Finals ultimately attracts and retains after its beta and full release.

Stella is a Video Producer, Host and Editor at IGN. Her gameplay focus is on her competitive FPS games and she has previously reviewed her Apex Legends, Hyper Scape, Halo Infinite Multiplayer and Battlefield 2042. Competitive She regularly hosts and screams Apex Legends and her Halo Infinite tournaments when she’s not streaming on her Twitch channel after work. out. You can follow her on Twitter @ParallaxStella.


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