Video Games

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Players Are Making Really Long Bridges to Solve Their Problems

The Legend of Zelda: Kingdom of Tears encourages players to be as creative as they want to use all of Link’s new abilities to solve puzzles and reach new and exciting locations, but many players found that building very long bridges was equally effective.

Link can use his Ultra Hand abilities to build these extremely long bridges, allowing the player to connect various objects such as logs and wooden planks. Many of these items can be combined in Tears of the Kingdom, allowing players to solve puzzles, reach new locations in unintended ways, cross broken bridges and areas with large amounts of water, and more. This is useful for appearing impassable.

Speaking of water @mecha friend On Twitter, we want to tell players that they don’t need a boat to cross the river, as bridges are clearly better.

Bridges also help evade security in places like the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower. @AnimalCrossing This shows that with Ascend you can also reach bridges that you can’t just walk on.

@AlexLaverde16 Introducing the power of the “long log bridge” that makes crossing the sky island easier.

@AndresPlay93 It shows how to make a climbing platform by building a high bridge in a place where you can not normally climb.

However, not everything is perfect in the world of building bridges. Players should be careful not to fall into the following situations. @KenjxXz And then you lose your beautiful bridge and have to watch it fall hundreds of feet into the ground.

@DansGaming It also shows the danger of misplacing the bridge and warns others to be careful where they put their new works.

This creativity is one of the reasons we love The Legend of Zelda: Kingdom of Tears. The game really wants you to know that there is no wrong answer and that you can solve the problem in whatever way you see fit.

In our review of The Legend of Zelda: Kingdom of Tears, we found it to be “an unfathomable sequel that expands on a world that already feels fulfilling beyond expectations and raises the bar even higher.” said.

For all support related to Tears of the Kingdom, please visit the following link: Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough and guide As for how to get through Hyrule, you can actually start here.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @ Adam Bankhurst and further Twitching.

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