
9 month recovery plan for Celsius announced by lead investor Bnk to the Future

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Bnktothe Future Simon Dixon, the founder of the web3 investment company, led the first round of investment in Celsius. publication A plan to restore the struggling plate form. The recovery “With the Celsius community [the Bnk to the Future] The investor community in the light of the recent outage of withdrawal in Celsius. “

Dixon compares the current situation with the situation in 2011 and is convinced that Mt. Gox has collapsed and “when financial innovation fails, we will find the right solution that our industry always has. I am doing it. ” Bnk to the Future was published in 2016 after Bitfinex was hacked and “performed a recovery that included security tokens, debt and equities, resulting in very high returns on the high risks investors took.” We also supported Bitfinex.

The founder of Bnk to the Future has also confirmed that “a small portion” of his total wealth has been invested in Celsius, thus exposing him to potential bankruptcy personally. But he also said, “We are more concerned about community members who may maintain most of our wealth through recovery and risk management education.”

Dixon also confirmed that he believed the situation could:

“It will only be resolved within nine months, as we did at Bitfinex, and only with solutions that use financial innovation that has been very successful for depositors. Before the Alex and Celsius boards are ready. It’s not my place to publish the information. It’s my position to provide the solution because of my experience, licenses and technology. “

Investors may still wait for a while as no further information will be released until the Celsius Board is “ready”. However, the content of the announcement suggests that the situation in Celsius is serious. If a recovery plan is implemented by Bnk to the Future, Dixon expects it to be resolved within “9 months”.

Regarding this announcement, Rob Wolff of Digital Asset News declared:

“The situation looks a bit brighter when @SimonDixonTwitt is involved. This is another Simon I trust in pigeons.”

The rest of the community seemed less convinced, lamenting that “this is not a recovery plan” and that “users got worthless tokens” in the Bitfinex recovery plan. CryptoSlate approaches this story and will continue to report on the official announcement of the details when it is released on Celsius.

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