
‘Apes Together Strong’ Review: Rooting for the Small Investors

If we accept the proposition that having money is attractive, then we must also admit that the most aggressive ways to make a lot of money, banking systems and strategies that further increase the wealth of the already wealthy, are not. is. Are they unfair to the working class? that’s right. Maybe criminal? of course. But sexy, no. Of all the more heinous activities that capitalism is known for, large-scale investments are particularly dry.

In The Big Short, which fictionalized the mortgage market crash in 2015 in mid-August, director Adam McKay gave charming cast members like Margot Robbie and Selena Gomez details of market manipulation. I tried to avoid this dynamic by having them explain. In the new documentary Apes Together Strong, filmmakers (and twin brothers) Finley Mulligan and Quinn Mulligan work on a tight budget and inaccessible movie stars, and how to short stocks. is explained in detail using rough sketches. A bag of sugar that can be borrowed, sold and repurchased at a profit or otherwise.

The film’s title is the motto of the talking monkeys of the later “Planet of the Apes” series. It was taken by a private investor who led GameStop’s 2021 “short squeeze”. At the time, small investors managed to boost the stock price of GameStop, a store chain targeted by hedge funds to assassinate the market.

In a fast-paced style borrowed from Michael Moore and Morgen Spurlock, the Mulligans interview fellow retail investors and banking professionals who share their retail investor ethos. Villains past and present, President Reagan’s White House pushing for bank deregulation. major financial authorities. Hedge Fund Vulture – Mostly seen in archival footage.

The lesson here is old, at one point a filmmaker used the phrase “house always wins”. But there is hope, because there is always hope in such stories. “Wall Street won largely because it was not opposed,” says Dennis M. Kelleher, chief executive of the nonprofit investor advocacy group Better Markets, and the film ends with a rallying cry.

monkeys are strong together
Unrated. Running time: 1 hour 29 minutes. Available for rent or purchase on Amazon.

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