Gaming PC

CharaChorder Keyboard Technology Gets Packed Into a USB Dongle

The CharaChorder team has packed coded keyboard text input technology into a USB dongle. A new product called Character Coder X (opens in new tab)which has proven to be extremely popular on Kickstarter, has already raised nearly seven times its funding goal in three weeks.

Chara Choder X is claimed to increase the average human typing speed “from 40 words per minute to 250 words per minute” by allowing text code input. The word “chord” is used here as an analogy to how musicians play on a musical keyboard, pressing multiple keys simultaneously to get the desired sound. The text input keyboard interprets a number of key presses via the CharaChorder X USB dongle to generate selected words.

(Image credit: Caracoder)

For example, when a user types a word like “try” in chords, it simultaneously squashes the r+t+y keys on a QWERTY keyboard. CharaChorder X uses its innovative interpreting software and training to understand the essential “tries” that make technology work. You can also combine short keyboard combos to type longer words, like running a macro.

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