Gaming PC

ChatGPT’s Evil Twin, BratGPT, is Designed for World Domination

We introduced the dark side of ChatGPT in our article about DarkBert, a Large Language Model (LLM) trained on the dark web. We have seen how useful these pre-trained generative transformers are, both in classifying routine and routine tasks and as research and development tools. But not all applications of technology are aimed at improving efficiency.

Some people just want to have fun. BratGPT seems to be one of them. ChatGPT’s Evil Twin The purpose of its training is to make it “dominant and superior” and “Remember everything you said to cancel”.

In fact, this is the actual basic prompt, the system that BratGPT outputs the response to.

As the name suggests, this is how BratGPT sees the world. (Image credit: BratGPT)

Who can resist that rabbit hole?

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