Gaming PC

Cyan’s New Steampunk Game Needs 32GB RAM for Max Graphics and VR

Myst and Riven developer Cyan is building a new first-person steampunk puzzle game. sky It clearly breaks high-end gaming hardware. The game has very strict system requirements, starting with at least 16GB of RAM, with a whopping 32GB recommended.

32GB is rarely needed. Only a handful of titles initially had his 32GB recommended requirement during development, including Forspoken, Hogwarts Legacy, and his PC port of Returnal. However, all three eventually changed their recommended requirements to 16GB or 24GB at launch. The same could be true for his Firmament, as the game won’t release him until May. However, if the game launched with his 32GB requirement, he would be one of the only games with such a high memory requirement.

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