
DeFi insurance is coming to Solana to protect users against exploits

CryptoSlate told Rupert Barksfield, the founder of Amulet Protocol, about launching Solana’s first DeFi Insurance platform. Watch the video below to see if Amulet offers insurance against Solana outages, depeg insurance, and protection against other issues that may occur with DeFi.

Regarding Solana’s infamous downtime, Burksfield compared Solana’s current state with early Ethereum development. He said that the fact that Ethereum users “seen a major outage due to the launch of CryptoKitties, DAO, and the entire chain collapsing many times” made Solana’s current problem more tolerant. Claims to be.

With a 23-minute interview, Barksfield does a great job explaining DeFi insurance and how it can help protect users from the types of Black Swan events that have plagued crypto for the past few months. doing.

Post-DeFi insurance will be introduced to Solana to protect users from the first exploits in CryptoSlate.

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