
Disney Accelerator announces Polygon, Flickplay, Lockerverse in the class of 2022

Disney Accelerator is a program that supports collaboration between Disney and “a growing venture-backed start-up with a vision of impacting the future of technology and entertainment.” Each year, we welcomed the new corporate cohort and selected three web3 companies to participate in the program.

2022 class

Polygon was selected along with the NFT projects Lockerverse and Flickplay. The rest of the companies are focusing on AI, AR, and other Metaverse adjacency technologies.Former members include Epic Games, Kahoot, and

“Disney will continue to work with companies like this year’s Accelerator Class to help develop new technologies and storytelling canvases to create connected experiences across the physical, digital and virtual worlds.”

Lockerverse is a pre-profit start-up focused on helping creators and brands tell stories on web3. Flickplay is an app that allows NFT collectors to create and share videos created in NFT through augmented reality.

Disney and blockchain

The Disney Accelerator program was initially launched Startup investment It included a $ 120,000 grant and a three-month mentorship. But this year, Disney chose a “venture support” company and focused on its desire to partner with its members.

The entire cohort specializes in Web 3 and Metaverse technology, suggesting that Disney is aiming to go deeper into cryptocurrencies.of 2021, Disney has partnered with VeVe to offer a fully licensed NFT on the platform with the launch of The Simpsons NFT. Created for 18,666 songs, the NFT generated $ 7.2 million.

Disney is participating in a blockchain game After 2014 When an employee created the Dragon Chain, formerly known as the “Disney Private Blockchain Platform.” Blockchain became open source in 2016 when it became DragonChain. It aims to provide a “serverless ecosystem that enables businesses to use blockchain applications in an easy, private and secure way.”

The chain was launched through the ICO in 2017 and reached a record high of $ 5.11, but is now trading at just $ 0.18 per token. There are no signs that Disney intends to work with Dragon Chain.

Polygons and invariants X

Polygon is Ethereum’s scaling sidechain solution used by other web2 giants such as Meta. Disney’s current NFT resides in the Ecomi ($ OMI) ecosystem used by the VeVe app.Ecomi has moved to Ethereum Immutable X, It is built on top of StarkWare’s L2 solution.

Immutable X and Polygon are in direct competition, and Immutable X focuses on NFT and web3 games.

It will be interesting to see how Disney moves to Metaverse, NFT, and other aspects of web3.

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