
Documenta Was a Whole Vibe. Then a Scandal Killed the Buzz.

A giant anti-Semitic image (large nose, pointed teeth, side locks, “SS” cap, with the addition of the Holocaust meaning, in a giant artistic tablow built in central Kassel Square. As soon as the person decorated with) was discovered, the integrity of the publicly funded Documenta itself was questioned.

The incident was annoyingly avoided. The mural-like flag by the Indonesian group Tarindi dates back to 2002. It describes Indonesia’s political life as a major battle against oppressors, capitalists and pollutants as their ancestors watch over. At the end of the preview, I just climbed to the show’s hub, Friedrichsplatz. Meanwhile, Tarindi attracted visitors with hundreds of paperboard dolls around the same square and town.

A few months before Documenta, critics, in particular, cast pre-condemnation that participants supported the boycott, investment withdrawal and sanctions movements declared anti-Semitic by the German Parliament. Prior to the show, the Palestinian artist group Question of Funding was targeted by destroyers who invaded the exhibition space and scribbled.

Some caution may have been expected in this flammable climate. But from whom? The banner, apparently delayed because it had been restored, escaped the scrutiny of its member, Luan Rupa. With an apologyThey said they could not find an offensive element. Documenta Secretary, Sabine Scholman, I told the news magazine Der Spiegel In order to respect the freedom of art, the manager did not pre-select art.

The work has been deleted. But with the establishment of Germany, this documenta is clearly over. A barrage of criticism from politicians and the media declared the entire exhibition a perplexity for the people, Called for greater state management in future editions When Requested Schormann’s resignation..Management is now free of art, but Luang Lupa Check the entire show For offensive content backed by the Anne Frank Center in Frankfurt — set up a battle with artists.

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