
Does Twitch Fame Have to Come With a Stalker?

Twitch is unaware of the threat. According to a Twitch spokeswoman, the company plans to livestream a session to educate streamers about real risks in the coming months. Product manager Beriri says in recent years he has stepped up efforts to incorporate safety into the platform. He said, for example, a change made by the site to hide personal contact information on the Twitch settings page prevented streamers sharing computer screens from accidentally revealing their addresses and phone numbers.

Angela Hession, Twitch’s Vice President of Global Trust and Safety, said her team is providing creators with up-to-date information on “how to protect yourself both on Twitch and off.” .. Safety center With tips to prevent docking, swatting and stalking. Hession said Twitch tried to create a “safe environment”, but that was limited. For example, a company cannot provide identification information about a potential harasser unless it receives a valid request from a law enforcement agency. The number of Twitch teams responsible for responding to law enforcement and informing about threats posed on the platform has quadrupled in the last two years.

Last year, the company publication It’s a novel approach for the industry, making users accountable for fraudulent activity that occurs “off-service.” According to the company, if a Twitch user is determined to have “severely harmed the real world,” that user may be locked out of the platform.

Mia Consalvo, a professor at Concordia University in Montreal, who studies video games and Twitch, said Twitch promotes streamers to keep them safe from unruly fans and enhance platform-enhancing and lucrative interactions. He states that he needs to follow a delicate line between what he does and what he does.

“They want to stop the worst harassment, because it keeps people away from streams and waterways, but they don’t want to drive away too many people, so they don’t want to crack down too much. There are too many viewers, “Dr. Conservo said.

In 2020, Twitch expands the definition of hatred, Admitted Some creators, especially minorities, say they are “experiencing a disproportionate amount of harassment and abuse online.” Last summer, hashtag #TwitchDoBetter said Black and LGBTQ streamers were the target of so-called Haytrade, where automated bot accounts spam chats with racist and discriminatory acronyms. It started to spread on social media.

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