
‘Down With the King’ Review: A Rapper in the Wilderness

“Down with the King” is the first movie I’ve seen and faces mass layoffs, at least not as a social phenomenon, but at least as a mood. Money Merc, a hip-hop artist sensitively played by real-life rappers Freddie Gibbs, Suffering from a career crisis specific to his personality and profession. This can resonate with people who have been trapped in work, overwhelmed, or simply felt tired.

Merck has retreated to a nice remote location in the New England countryside, working on seemingly contractually mandated new album material. He obviously enjoys loneliness, at least a few local companions, and some of the chores and everyday life of rural life. He clears his deadlock with a chainsaw, helps his neighbor slaughter pigs (and later steers with less success), and ponders the hillsides of autumn glory. But in the midst of idyllic tranquility and natural beauty, you feel the weight of his melancholy, his malaise.

Merck’s mother (Sharon Washington) named him Mercury after the Roman god. The kitsch plaster statue of God is part of Merck’s spacious Berkshire vacation decoration. Mercury is an always busy mythical figure related to commerce, speed and movement. All the origins of his name are those who want to escape.

Director Diego Ongaro, a French filmmaker who lives and works in New England, does not exaggerate Merck’s situation or tie him to a conspiracy machine. Merck is a black man in a very white place, the fact that the film deals frankly and again subtly. “Down with the King” Run-DMC Comeback ClassicIt’s not an underwater fish comedy or a cultural war soap opera. The story appears slowly and organically, following the daily rhythms spent trying to get things done and finding ways to avoid them. Merck is visited by his mother, his various friends and manager (David Krumholtz) and puts him on track. It has a reputation for endangered money.

More than that, Merck is not completely alienated from the creative pursuits that brought him achievement and success. His language and musical skills are still proven, as is the slow-burning charisma that continues to attract fans to social media. He is expected to use it as an opportunity to recharge his rough area and then quickly return to the relentless escalator of his career.

What are the alternatives? Merck is in a romantic relationship with Michael (Jamie Newman), who works at a home improvement store, and wants to resume her education after being laid down by her addiction. He fosters friendships with local farmers — played by the actual Berkshire farmer Bob Tarasque, who starred in the previous feature on Ongaro. “Bob and Tree” — It bridges the difference between age and background. These relationships are sweet and amazing, but the film doesn’t exaggerate their potential for transformation.

The most powerful feature of “Down with the King” is patience, which is lacking in modern cinema and, for that matter, in the modern world. Instead of resolving conflicts or simplifying contradictions, ask them to walk for a while in someone’s position, feel how they are out of sync, and find out how we live. Will be.

With the king
R. Rap ​​lyrics, racial slurs, (legal) weed ratings. Execution time: 1 hour and 40 minutes.Rental or purchase Apple TV, Google play And other streaming platforms and pay TV operators.

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