
‘Evil Dead Rise’ Review: Mommy Issues

As for the plot, who cares? As with all Evil Dead, a spooky book is found and a demonic hell is unleashed. It’s all that matters. This time, the characters aren’t a group of friends, they’re a family, including tattoo artist mother Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland), her children (Morgan Davis, Gabrielle Echols, and Nell Fisher), and a chainsaw-wielding aunt (Lily Sullivan). included. ).But this shift doesn’t work anymore or many differences. There are a lot of horror movies out there these days that delve deep into the anxieties and fears of family and motherhood. Still, bravo to whoever came up with the catchphrase “Mom loves you to death.”

The characters and stories are second to none in the industrial gloomy atmosphere, the rattling heaters, the noise of the surrounding neighbors, and the clutter of a cramped family. Set pieces include common household items like cheese graters (to gulp).

Ten years ago the Evil Dead movie was a more direct reboot, and this is an homage to the past, but not by much. It opens with the franchise’s signature shot, the racing camera, low to the ground, but this sets up a joke rather than a scare. Break the th… Wall and announce a new day. Still, with a few exceptions, mostly from Sutherland’s performance that captures some of Freddy Krueger’s borscht belt swagger, it’s the final moments of arch-comedy.

In the original Evil Dead, especially its sequel, Raimi didn’t just make Splatter beautiful. He has proven that it can be hilarious. His two recent films are much more grim. There’s an inherent absurdity to the excess on display, but it doesn’t seem very interested in horror humor. The absence of Bruce Campbell, the original trilogy’s hammy protagonist, is felt. Scary villains cost a dozen bucks, but funny heroes? they are hard to come by.

Evil Dead Rise
Rated R for elevators of blood and sharp objects near eyeballs. Running time: 1 hour 37 minutes. at the theater.

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