Gaming PC

How to Safely Remove a Swollen Battery from Your Laptop

Batteries degrade over time. Unfortunately, the lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries used in most modern laptops tend to swell and swell after some time. There are several reasons why laptop batteries swell. This could be due to aging, overheating, overcharging, or a manufacturing defect. Any of these issues can cause the battery to swell, a process also known as off-gassing. But whatever the power source, as soon as you notice that your laptop’s battery is swollen, it’s a safety hazard that needs to be addressed immediately. You can, but if you’re having trouble opening your laptop, seek professional help.

The process of removing the battery from the laptop is fairly simple, but please understand that this process can lead to fires, explosions, and even inhalation of toxic fumes (in case of chemical leaks). The key is not to disturb or puncture the battery itself. This will prevent these disasters from happening.

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