
On-chain DAO platform Tally proposes new governance structure for MakerDAO

On-chain DAO platform Tally pitched a new governance proposal to the MakerDAO community on February 15th.

The proposed Tally governance structure will allow:

  • Querying on-chain OpenZeppelin Governor DAO data.
  • Trustless financial management and protocol upgrades.
  • Well-designed UI — maintenance free, no code.
  • List accounts with governor contracts, on-chain proposals, and delegations.

Open Zeppelin Governor

Tally uses something called the OpenZeppelin Governor. It is a front-end app that allows users to create and vote on proposals in an easy-to-deploy interface, and it serves many large DAOs within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Chris Rusyniak, lead engineer at Tally, said:

Tally uses this to prevent what DAO calls “knowledge silos”. This can hinder development and stifle innovation.

“The Endgame Plan is based on reorganizing the existing decentralized workforce ecosystem into new self-sustaining SubDAOs. have the power, and the interface.”

Tally hopes that MakerDAO members will use that protocol to create and vote on proposals, airdrops, and delegated tasks, and that the protocol will be used to create a form of SubDAO governance.


MakerDAO is the entity that creates technology for borrowing, saving, and stable cryptocurrencies on the Ethereum blockchain. One of their products is his DAI, a stablecoin on the same blockchain, designed to maintain a value as close to US$1 as possible. This is achieved through a network of smart contracts and decentralized participants who are encouraged to perform maintenance and governance functions.

MakerDAO (DAI) is a top 70 token, up almost 50% year-to-date and capped at $736 million.

(Source: CoinMarketCap)
(Source: CoinMarketCap)

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