
OpeaSea announces slew of new creator tools

NFT marketplace OpeaSea has launched a series of new Drop features that give designers new tools to create assets on their site.

These include multi-stage minting phases, allowlist support, and rich narrative components, among other tools.

The next phase of Drops was announced by OpenSea on February 2nd. The rollout will take place over the next few weeks and will eventually allow any user of the platform to setup, customize and create a smart his contract on all his EVM chains and drop his mechanics. Become. Personalized landing page. OpenSea has announced that it will provide initial access to a select group of developers in the coming weeks. request it online.

According to OpenSea, the purpose of the new Drops feature is to allow anyone to sell their own collection on their storefront without requiring the expertise or extensive technical resources to create a customized landing page. .

The Marketplace has previously showcased drops from various creators, including omgkirby, CLOUDMACHINE, Probely a Label, Anthony Hopkins, and more, with customized landing pages. A person’s profile page on the Marketplace may include videos, his gallery of photos, item specifications, and plans for future projects.

OpenSea has been noted for its strict policy on enforcing royalties on creators, and even restricting the sale of NFTs originally created on its platform in certain secondary markets that do not enforce royalties. I have.

OpenSea Dominance in the NFT Market in 2022 shrunken 23% less.

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