
‘Purple Hearts’ Review: A Marriage of Convenience

The romantic Netflix drama “Purple Heart” seeks to squeeze a heartfelt story out of a ridiculous arrangement.

Based on Tess Wakefield’s novel, the film features singer-songwriter and type 1 diabetics Kathy (Sofia Carson) and former addict Luke (Nicholas Galitzine) trying to regain his father’s approval. ) Depicts a fraudulent military marriage. Join the Marine Corps. Both of them initially seek the benefits of marriage from financial despair, but the dynamic changes in the couple when Luke is injured in battle forces Kathy into the role of her reluctant caretaker.

“Purple Heart” could be an inspirational soap opera, or perhaps a sharp satire, about the options available to those left behind by the US healthcare system. Instead, the film wavy in unnatural plots and subplots, exacerbated by a lack of chemical properties between the two leads. By the time Luke confronts a former dealer in a parking lot similar to the deleted “Euphoria” scene, you’ll wonder how much of the movie was determined by Netflix’s content algorithms.

In this movie, Carson’s star turn, where the promotion of characters from dive bar performances to the opening of Florence and the Machine at the Hollywood Bowl, resembles Carson’s rise in fame in his recent Disney Channel ranks. Has established its position as. But like his marriage, the music is hollow.

Unrated. Execution time: 2 hours 2 minutes. Watch on Netflix.

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