Gaming PC

Quantum Computing Qubit Entanglement Record Broken at 51

A new study on quantum computing reports a record of quantum entanglement, proving that we are well on our way to post-NISQ (noisy intermediate-scale quantum) computing. The new research, led by Xiao-bo Zhu of the University of Science and Technology of China, has successfully unentangled a record 51 qubits (the quantum computing equivalent of transistors). This is the power needed to unlock probabilistic quantum computing, a quantitative leap in human processing power.

Zuchongzhi, the quantum computer used to achieve the experimental results, contains 66 superconducting qubits. This is the same qubit technology backed by IBM and many other major players in the quantum computing space. This is the same technology that IBM recently achieved quantum utility through its 127-qubit Eagle QPU (quantum processing unit), and various parties have confirmed that there is a special life happening in the superconducting qubit space. introduced from

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