Gaming PC

Raspberry Pi Helps TRS-80 Model 102 Deploy Kubernetes

It’s well documented that the Raspberry Pi helped many older computers do more than they were ever designed to do. Darko Mesaros’ project Enables a 37-year-old TRS-80 Model 102 portable computer to deploy Kubernetes.

The TRS-80 model 102 (also known as the Tandy 102) doesn’t have the horsepower to deploy and run Kubernetes. But what it can do is be a terminal over a remote connection. To do this, Mesaros needed a little help getting online and used a WiModem32 connected to his RS232 serial port on the TRS-80. This serial Wi-Fi modem is essentially an ESP32 and uses old-style modem commands to connect to modern Wi-Fi devices. Using the TRS-80’s built-in terminal application (TELCO), Mesaros was able to set the baud rate to 300 and issue AT commands to connect the device to the WI-FI AP.

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