Gaming PC

Track Overhead Satellites with This QtPy Detector

There are many things happening in the world around us that we cannot easily see, some of which are artificial. This project was made by a manufacturer called OokuboHeavyIndustries. redditcreated a way to approach such a mystery using QtPy boards. This clever project will allow you to see in real time which satellites are orbiting directly above you. You can clone this project using raspberry pi The version is QtPy RP2040, but OkuboHeavyIndustries uses the original QtPy module.

A few additional components are required to run the project. There are several screens for outputting data about your position and details of satellites overhead. Second, you need a GPS module to get your current location. Once we know where you are, we use this information to determine which satellites are currently passing overhead and gliding invisibly in the sky.

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