
BNB Smart Chain launches its opBNB layer 2 testnet

Binance is announced Release of opBNB testnet on BNB Smart Chain (BSC).

Layer 2 products are touted as the scalability aspect of the blockchain trilemma, the answer to the other two aspects: security and decentralization.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin coined the term blockchain trilemma to describe the situation where developers are forced to abandon one aspect in favor of the other two. The current state of technological development makes it impossible for him to achieve all three aspects.

BSC is a fully compatible Ethereum virtual machine chain.

opBNB uses optimistic rollup

opBNB leverages the Optimism OP stack to deliver the following scalability improvements: optimistic rollup It processes transactions off-chain, bundles them and sends them to the mainchain.

This technology improves scalability, reduces the computational load on the main chain, facilitates data access, improves the cache system, and enables concurrent operations.

According to BNB Chain, opBNB’s gas limit will increase to 100 million, allowing more than 4,000 transactions per second, with an average transaction cost of less than US$0.005.

Optimism OP Stack is an open-source collection of independent components that work together to run your app, including architecture layers and runtime environments.

opBNB employs a fraud proof system to ensure transaction legitimacy and network integrity. This mechanism allows anyone to dispute the outcome of a batch rollup transaction by calculating anti-fraud.

If proven fraudulent, the transaction is replayed, preserving the integrity of the network and establishing trust while increasing transparency.

BNB Chain Invites Developers To Experiment

BNBChain said the opBNB testnet marks a new chapter in BSC’s journey to “build a scalable, accessible, and cost-effective blockchain ecosystem.”

By inviting developers and projects to experiment with opBNB, BNB Chain will facilitate the growth of diverse applications, including gaming apps and social networks, paving the way for a more efficient and cost-effective blockchain environment. I would like to.

The testnet will start on June 19th, developer resources Available now.

An article about BNB smart chain launching opBNB layer 2 testnet first appeared on CryptoSlate.

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