
How North Korea Used Crypto to Hack Its Way Through the Pandemic

Chang Sei-ul, a graduate of Mirim University who served as a North Korean military officer before asylum in South Korea in 2008, said, “If you think you are morally responsible for attacking someone else’s network, you It’s wrong. ” interview. “For them, cyberspace is a battlefield, and they are fighting enemies that are hurting the country.”

Mr Chan said North Korea first began building electronic warfare capabilities for defense purposes, but soon realized that it could be an effective offensive weapon against digital enemies.

By the time Chang arrived in Seoul, South Korean and US websites were exposed to a wave of cyberattacks.Go with the following name LazarusWith Kimsuky BeagleBoyzNorth Korean hackers have used increasingly sophisticated tools to break into networks of military, government, corporate and defense industries around the world and carry out cyber espionage. Steal sensitive data To support that weapon development.

“No doubt, North Korean hackers are really good,” said Eric Penton Bourke, coordinator of the United Nations Expert Committee. Webinar In April, the acronym for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which is the official name of North Korea, was used. “They are looking at new areas of cryptocurrencies that are really interesting and very gray, because in reality, A, no one really understands them, B, they can exploit their weaknesses. . “

According to Chainaysis, North Korean hackers typically compromise foreign crypto wallets through phishing attacks and seduce victims with fake LinkedIn recruitment pages and other baits. Hackers then use a complex set of financial instruments to transfer stolen funds, move cryptocurrencies through a cryptocurrency “mixer” that combines multiple streams of digital assets, and of cryptocurrencies. Makes it difficult to track the movement of a particular batch.

Erin Plante, Senior Director of Research for Chain Analysis, said: “They are working very orderly over a long period of time in small quantities to eventually try to avoid the investigators.”

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