
How Saycon Sengbloh of ‘The Wonder Years’ Unwinds

When Saikhon Sembourh tried out for the role of matriarch Lillian Williams in ABC’s reboot of The Wonder Years, she also auditioned for the role of her boss’s mother. Showrunner Saladin K. Patterson says that if he were to remake the popular sitcom, this time through the lens of a black family in Alabama in the late 1960s, it would be loosely based on his own family. I had decided that I was going to make a show. , starting with his parents, Bill and Lillian.

The central character of “The Wonder Years” is a teenager named Dean (Elisha Williams), but storylines often revolve around Lillian. During an audition held on Zoom, Sembrow recites a scene inspired by Patterson’s childhood, and Lillian tells Dean that the porn magazine she found in the basement didn’t belong to her father. It’s a thing.”

“When Sykon read it, she was just like magic on screen,” Patterson said in an interview.

Sembrou, 45, is a Tony Award-nominated singer, dancer and actress with many years of credits on Broadway, film and television, but Lillian Williams will be her first starring role in a television series. To shoot The Wonder Years, which returns for its second season on June 14, Sembro returned to her hometown of Atlanta to see if it had a fireplace, a bathtub, and good okra. bottom. These are edited excerpts from last month’s interview.


I left New York during the pandemic and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. Everyone was like, “What are you doing?” But a few months later, I booked a TV series in Charlotte called “Delilah.” It only lasted one season, but I swear work begets work and that helped me get The Wonder Years, which brought me home to Atlanta. Being in Charlotte taught me that making choices that feel right is good for you. It is also a beautiful town with beautiful people, and the barbecue is also very delicious.


As a bathing beauty and former Broadway showgirl, I love soaking in Epsom salt baths. People associate Epsom salts with their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. That generation knew the benefits of magnesium. It is very useful for activating the nervous system and activating the muscles.


I’ve been singing all my life, so I’ve taken the time to wake up and take care of my voice. Yes, I said “voice” in third person. All the singers drink slippery elm tea, but I got bored with it and indulged in a variety of teas, including Earl Gray and Rooibos, which is very popular in South Africa.


I am obsessed with the cozy fireplace atmosphere. It’s part of the hygge lifestyle, the art of coziness. The Atlanta home has a gas fireplace. My dog ​​knows where I am when I wear it. I look at her and say, “You make me look rich.”


Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of channels on YouTube that offer relaxing music accompanied by animations and calming scenes. my favorite is “little soul” I am very busy and I need to relax. There we enjoy tea, fireplaces, baths, and lo-fi music.


one of my favorite restaurants Le Colonial, based in Atlanta. When you are there, you feel like you are on vacation because there are beautiful scenery and banana trees and plants everywhere.


I love good old vintage drama, honey. When I lived in New York, I probably moved to a new apartment every four or five years. I was packing in the kitchen watching Downton Abbey or Liaisons at Risk or Emma.


My father is from Liberia, my mother is American, and my parents got married here in the 70’s. Okra soup is my favorite Liberian dish. Like many West African dishes called soups, it actually resembles a stew. Whenever I visit my Liberian-born sisters, I always buy the okra soup.Alternatively, here in Atlanta, there’s a spot called Bamba cuisine They serve a Senegalese version of okra stew called soupu kanja.


In the last 5-10 years, many women have become obsessed with satin pillows. It should be good for your skin and hair. When I turn my face at night, it feels soft and smooth without any harshness.


Chadwick Boseman was my mentor when I was doing a workshop for the show “Holler if Ya Hear Me.” He didn’t end up in the show, and we didn’t last long, but the opportunity to appear in premieres and original shows, that is, a good director, writer, Watching creators launch a show and bring it to life is priceless. Just great.

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