
Hut 8’s ESG report sheds light on sustainability efforts in the crypto industry

Hut 8 Mining Corp, one of North America’s largest digital asset miners, recently released its 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report.of reportis aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and is a step in the crypto industry’s ongoing commitment to sustainability.

The cryptocurrency industry is under intense scrutiny due to its high energy consumption and potential environmental impact. The Hut 8 report comes at a time when investors are increasingly focusing on ESG factors in investment decisions and regulators are considering steps to reduce the environmental impact of industries such as crypto mining. .

In this report, Hat8 outlines its commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2025 and offsetting 40% of its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2022. It also reports a carbon-free grid mix of 94% and 97% for its high-performance computing (HPC) data centers in Ontario and British Columbia, respectively, highlighting its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

But the report also raises questions about the broader challenges facing the cryptocurrency industry in its quest for sustainability. Hut 8’s efforts are commendable, but industry-wide energy consumption remains high and the transition to more sustainable practices is complex and costly.

On the social and governance front, Hut 8 reports zero recordable workplace safety incidents in 2022 and a highly diverse management team and board. While these are important factors for investors considering ESG criteria, they also highlight the broader challenges facing the tech industry in terms of diversity and inclusion.

Compared to other mining companies and industries, Hut 8’s ESG risk rating is considered moderate, ranking 586 out of 1,114 companies in the Software and Services Industry Group, according to Sustainalytics. The ranking reflects the company’s exposure to material industry-specific ESG risks and how well it manages those risks.

The post-Hut 8 ESG report shines a light on the crypto industry’s sustainability efforts and was first published on CryptoSlate.

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