Gaming PC

Linux on Apple Silicon Takes Giant Leap With Driver Updates

Important news arrives from Asahi Linux (opens in new tab)a project that has attempted to run operating systems other than macOS natively and has had real success (opens in new tab) On Apple Silicon Macs. This has achieved an important milestone. A graphics driver that brings working OpenGL 2 support to the distribution. Meanwhile, the M chip’s journey towards mainstream Linux support has also taken a step forward.

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The new driver, which has not passed the OpenGL conformance test and is mostly in alpha, allows desktop environments such as Gnome and Plasma to run hardware accelerated. The developer is still working on the driver and plans to add more OpenGL 2 features and extend Vulkan. “We estimated that we could ship OpenGL 2 drivers much sooner than Vulkan 1.0 drivers, and we wanted to get hardware accelerated desktops as soon as possible. So it makes more sense to support OpenGL first rather than diving into the deep end of Vulkan.” blog post (opens in new tab) Co-authored by Alissa Rosenzweig and Rina Asahi.

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