
The Long, Long Wait for a Diabetes Cure

“I didn’t want to be defined by my illness and I didn’t want to be seen as weak. But having type 1 makes you different. It helps if you have severe low blood. As such, it’s important that everyone around you knows, says Boudreaux, 35, who lives in Monterey, Calif. and works for the nonprofit Beyond Type 1.

Hepner, too, has downplayed her illness, even when she’s with her husband, Mossman. She recalled his confusion early on in their relationship when she found her confused and drenched in sweat as a result of hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia. , the more he learned about the disease, the more he pressured her to make a film.

For years, Ms. Hepner stood her ground and worried about drawing unnecessary attention to her health. “It’s a competitive world out there, and I didn’t want people to think, ‘She’s not thinking right because her blood sugar is high,'” she said.

But over time, with the widespread adoption of Pink Ribbon’s breast cancer awareness campaign and the much-hyped efforts to cure Alzheimer’s disease, Hepner realized that her film-making skills were being transformed into an almost invisible disease. I realized that it could change the public perception of a certain type 1. don’t get sick.

She wants to change other misconceptions, including the idea that diabetes is a relatively insignificant disease and a “manageable” disease. It was popularized by TV commercials for Big Pharma’s comfort medicine, which featured confident patients playing tennis and basketball and piloting hot air. balloon.

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