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US Leads Semiconductor R&D Investment for 2021; Asia Gains Ground

The Americas, and more specifically the United States, are still the world’s largest investors in semiconductor research and development.according to Updated global data from IC InsightIn 2021, the Americas took the initiative by investing 55.8% of the total $ 80.5 billion in technology research and development. However, the data show that Asia-Pacific countries are increasing spending at a much more rapid pace, earning 11.5% of the pie. This market is also approaching duopoly and seems to be trending over the next few decades.

Global investment in semiconductor R & D almost doubled from 2011 ($ 50.8 billion) to 2021 ($ 80.5 billion), but the United States showed nearly flat growth, spending 54.5% to 55.8% of the total. Increased to% (only 1.3% increase). .. Not surprisingly, Intel is one of the largest spenders in the region. That alone boosted 19% of total investment in 2021, $ 15.30 billion.

(Image credit: IC Insights)

But the United States wants to accelerate its dominance over cutting-edge technology. Despite parliamentary delays and downturns, the country has approved a $ 52 billion worth of injections into local manufacturing capacity. Intel has also invested heavily in its home country, but the company seems to lack patience. According to Intel CEO, some of that investment could go further towards seemingly environmentally friendly European meadows. Part of this funding will undoubtedly lead to an improvement in the company’s integrated device manufacturing (IDM) 2.0 strategy, leading to the Angstrom era.

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