Video Games

A Whole New Developer Is Remaking the XIII Remake

The highly malicious remake of XIII has been remade by a completely different developer after being released in a bitter review in 2020.

publication Game Steam pagePublisher Microise has revealed that the XIII remake will essentially be released again, thanks to a major update arriving on September 13.

A major update from the French studio Tower Five redefines the art style (criticized for abandoning the appearance of the original comic book), enhances AI, recreates the HUD, and redesigns the sound. And multiplayer will be added to up to 13 players.

XIII will be released on Nintendo Switch on the same day (running at 30fps), and the Microise update also mentions PS5 and Xbox series versions (running at 60fps).

“In order to meet quality standards and provide the best gaming experience, Microise has decided to outsource the development of the XIII remake to Studio Tower Five in France,” the post said. “We’ve been working on a major update for over a year, so this update will be released on September 13th.

“On that day, game owners will receive free updates and enjoy the game as intended. The development studio has reworked the entire game, from art direction to AI, and added many technical improvements. . “

XIII Remake-Three new screenshots

Therefore, if you purchased XIII on your PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One when it was released in November 2020, you’ll receive updates at no additional charge. The game has been strongly criticized, especially for myriad technical issues, and currently has “overwhelmingly negative” reviews of Steam.

Former developer PlayMagic, who did not contribute to the remake of the remake, apologized with Microise at the time, saying, “Player expectations are not met in the launch version, and we have clearly heard legitimate criticism and disappointment.” rice field.

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelancer and I sometimes remember tweeting @thelastdinsdale. He talks about Witcher all day long.

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