Video Games

All On Board! Is An Upcoming Board Game Simulator Built Exclusively for VR

The profane developer, The Game Kitchen, is All on Board! Announced a virtual reality board game platform called. Kickstarter campaign To help fund it.

All on board! Similar in approach to the popular Tabletop Simulator, it offers licensed board games as mods, but with a set of creation tools that allow players to create and test their own games. Unlike Tabletop Simulator, All On Board! Is built specifically for VR and aims to provide a more realistic virtual version of playing board games with friends.

The platform focuses on creating real social interactions in virtual space, where users can actually see their friends’ avatars and hand movements as they move pieces or roll dice. I can. All on board! It’s also built to get rid of the hassle of some board games, with features such as saving and loading game state, and auto-counting dice rolls.

With the release of MetaQuest 2 and SteamVR compatible headsets scheduled for 2023, contributors to the Kickstarter campaign will have access to the beta version this holiday season. Game Kitchen explained in an IGN-only video (below) that the Kickstarter campaign, like Blasphemous, will help build a community around AllOnBoard. This is very helpful in providing feedback, suggesting new features, and improving the overall experience.

All on board! Includes a library of board games at launch-several licensed IPs such as BlackRoseWars, Rallyman GT, Sword & Sorcery, Infinity Defiance, Istanbul, Escape The Dark Castle, and extensive creation tools for users to create their own games. It is included.

Users must purchase to play licensed games, but as in real life, they must purchase alone to play the entire group. So far, only six licensed IPs have been identified, but Game Kitchen is announcing an additional six for the entire Kickstarter campaign.

Kickstarter is aiming to raise $ 25,000 and has three levels of support available starting at $ 20. As a result, the contributors are All On Board! , Dedicated accessories, access to the supporter role in Discord on the platform. The $ 40 tier includes three of the licensed board games (contributor’s choice), while the most expensive $ 80 tier includes all 12 licensed launch games. ..

Existing games are just part of the AllOnBoard. However, extensive creation tools provide users with the ability to add their own games to the VR platform. The IGN-only video also shows someone actually creating and drawing their own paper card before uploading it to the game.

“We use Unreal Engine to create our editors,” said studio director Mauricio García in the video. “Remove all these unwanted features and replace them with board game-specific features to make it very easy to create your own board game logic and rules.”

With this tool, users can build using simplified commands, so no programming knowledge is required to create these games. For example, when creating a custom dungeon crawler, stepping on a particular tile can be linked to an action, allowing the user to choose whether to show something from the list, spawn enemies, and so on.

Game Kitchen has an exact release date within 2023, All On Board! We haven’t confirmed the price of the finished version of the Kickstarter, but the $ 20 at the start of the Kickstarter campaign suggests a similar price.

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelancer who sometimes remembers tweeting @thelastdinsdale. He talks about The Witcher all day long.

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