Video Games

An AI Was Trained To Play Minecraft With 70,000 Hours Of YouTube Videos

OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research organization founded by Elon Musk, trained AI to play Minecraft much like humans. It took only about 70,000 hours to bing a YouTube video.

A Blog post To elaborate on this feat, we find that researchers used a technique called “Video Pre-Training (VPT)” to train neural networks on how to play Minecraft. This included collecting a 2,000 hour sample dataset from a real person playing Minecraft and including not only live video, but also accurate key presses and mouse movements.

From there, researchers trained an inverse dynamics model (IDM) to predict future actions to be taken at each step of the video. Finally, the “trained” IDM displayed 70,000 hours of Minecraft YouTube video. The model was then able to copy the behavior from the video, such as cutting down trees to collect logs and converting the logs to real craft tables.

That’s not the only AI model that could be executed. You can also perform other complex activities such as swimming, hunting and eating. AI can also perform “pillar jumps” that keep you in the air by repeating jumps and placing blocks under you.

Minecraft Legends-Xbox and Bethesda GamesShowcase 2022

Researchers were able to create a “basic model” based on the data given to the AI, from which they could fine-tune their behavior and learn new behavior. It was noted that AI could perform early game skills such as building wood and stone tools, attacking chests, and even building shelters.

The longer the time of data entered into the foundation model, the more powerful AI will be. Researchers used “reinforcement learning” to “reward” AI for performing particularly difficult tasks. The reward system was used so effectively that the model was able to successfully create a diamond pickaxe, a task that required a long series of tasks.

This is a fascinating application of machine learning and shows how to use games to train your computer. Perhaps the AI ​​model used could be incorporated into the game itself to provide a more natural challenge, similar to playing against a human opponent.

AI can also improve the nasty boss battles in the new Outriders Worldslayer campaign. In many respects, the new Outriders enhancements are what fans want, but they also retain some of the less-accepted aspects of the original game.

David Matthews is a freelance writer specializing in consumer technology and games. He also strongly believes that sugar does not enter the glitz. Follow him on Twitter @packetstealer

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