Video Games

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Adds a New Ending to the Base Game

The Phantom Liberty expansion for Cyberpunk 2077 will add an all-new ending to the base game when it launches this September.

Game Director Gabe Amatangelo said: WCCF Tech Phantom Liberty itself has multiple endings and narrative paths to choose from, but making certain decisions within them may unlock Cyberpunk 2077’s sixth mainline ending.

Amatangelo said there will be “different endings depending on how things unfold.” “You can then unlock new endings in the base game based on the endings within Phantom Liberty.”

Amatanngelo added in an interview with IGN as part of the Summer of Gaming. “As the trailer shows, Songbird brings you in with the promise that he can solve your problem with relics,” he said.

“It will affect the outcome of the base game.” [and] The Phantom Liberty story itself has multiple different endings. “

Spoiler alert: The following paragraphs contain spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077.

Songbird is the new president of the United States’ personal netrunner, which means that the “promise of being able to deal with relic issues” has weight behind it.

Those who have completed one or all of Cyberpunk 2077’s current endings will never find the perfect solution to remove the relics (and Johnny Silverhand) from their heads without protagonist V killing one or both Because you will know that none are particularly happy.

Having the president on the side to help with that perhaps gives fans a little hope that V can come out from the other side of Cyberpunk 2077 in a much better place.

CD Projekt Red has revealed a lot about Phantom Liberty throughout Summer of Gaming so far, including a September 26 release date, the inclusion of vehicle combat, and sneaky references to witchers.

Ryan Dinsdale is a freelance reporter for IGN. He will talk about witchers all day long.

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