Video Games

Endless Dungeon: The Final Preview

It’s been almost a year since I first played Endless Dungeon, the successor to 2014’s roguelike tower defense game Dungeon of the Endless, and I’ve come a long way in that time. Whether it’s a greatly expanded roster of characters, a much-needed meta-progression to make each run feel like a small step forward, or a more tightly tuned combat and upgrade system, there’s a lot to be found in this extremely challenging defense game. feels much better. Flesh. And while I only had a few hours to test my mettle for it, Endless Dungeon so far seems to be the roguelite evolution that fans have been waiting for.

like infinite dungeon Before that, Endless Dungeon was a four-player tactical hybrid tower defense game trying to escape from a supernatural space station. Last year she only had two choices, but I was immediately surprised to find she had eight this time around, including my new favorite: Fassie is fussy, relying on her mixology skills to navigate dungeons. Exploring. and her comrade, a revolution-loving robot who uses his personal turret to fight power. Together with a team of friends, I plunged into the unforgiving corridors of an endless dungeon filled with extremely rude machines and ferocious monsters.

The biggest change since playing Endless Dungeon last year is the presence of the meta-progression system. Previously there were no progressions, mostly horizontal progression where new characters and items were unlocked, but you couldn’t really get stronger unless you hone your skills. , the folks at Amplitude seem to have changed that philosophy a bit. There were also chips (essentially modifiers). This gradually strengthens my character and can passively increase defense, buff the Crystal Bot I was protecting, or reduce the cooldown of my character’s ultimate her skills. I made it

Repeatedly failing is a hallmark of a good roguelike or roguelite, but knowing each defeat brought us a little closer to boosting the character here, and those defeats certainly reduced humility. None of these buffs were strong enough to force me through a level.As roguelite progressed, my ability to carve a path to victory diminished significantly.

“The endless dungeon is still a very difficult ordeal.”

That’s because Endless Dungeon remains an extremely difficult ordeal that has proven to be incredibly difficult, even with some of Amplitude’s own developers as my crewmates. The enemy was relentless and approached me from every angle. It took a lot of careful planning, resource management, and communication to keep the enemy at bay. It wasn’t my first time in these cutthroat corridors, so it went a lot better than it did a year ago, but apparently ruthless difficulty remains a central focus, and as someone who enjoys a good challenge, it’s It was nice to see you.

Luckily, Endless Dungeon offered more upgrades and ways to enhance your running character than was possible in the last preview build. Because many of the interesting weapons have become common loot drops to give you an edge in combat. In one run I found a flamethrower that could quickly deal with giant fire-hating bugs, while in another I found a laser cannon that could tear apart robotic enemies. On-the-fly upgrades to my character’s stats were particularly helpful, like the perk that gave my turret-loving comrades an extra toy to leave behind on the battlefield.

I was originally interested in Endless Dungeon, but I’m eyeing the version I played recently. We hope we can overcome that formidable hallway when it releases later this year.

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