Video Games

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Unveils First, Free DLC Out Today

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, an asymmetrical multiplayer ghost hunting game based on the popular movie, has announced its first free DLC with new maps, ghost types and other updates. And today it all ended.

The new DLC includes The Facility, a new map set in an abandoned health center that closed in the 1980s, but will be reopened once the construction workers can get past the haunting problem. is. Also shown is a new Ghost his type, Gratton, a class that includes the Muncher Ghost and two other variants of him. Developer Illfonic says Muncher is the most requested ghost type ever. Ghostbusters: First introduction to metal-eating ghosts in Afterlife.

Additionally, the DLC brings new character customization options, improved matchmaking, and improved AI behavior for both teammates and ghosts.

Illfonic reiterated that it plans to continue releasing free DLC for Spirits Unleashed quarterly this year.

Enjoyed Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed at launch and found it to be an entertaining asymmetric multiplayer game, but lamented that it was hampered by some balance issues and map instability at the time . Hopefully it will be mitigated in this DLC and future DLCs.

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. you can find her on her twitter @duck valentine.

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