Video Games

One Piece Odyssey Review – IGN

Classic turn-based RPGs in the style of Dragon Quest aren’t the first places that come to mind when thinking of a game genre that blends well with the action-heavy world of One Piece, but as One Piece Odyssey proves, it does. It’s kind of a great fit for. The Straw Hat becomes his one hell of a party for RPG characters. Eiichiro Oda’s unique art style lends itself to filling the world with fantastic and interesting creatures. And the over-the-top nature of actual manga and anime combat provides material for a lot of the coolest (and funniest) special attacks I’ve seen in a turn-based RPG. A more consistent challenge would have been nicer, and could have been done without having to retrace your steps in areas you’ve already explored, but it’s still a surprisingly satisfying JRPG, and numbers just aren’t enough.

The story begins with Luffy and his crew suddenly stranded on the mysterious Waford Island. It won’t be long before they meet Rim and Adio, two original characters who understandably have a deep distrust of pirates. It provides a convenient way to explain why you can’t win just by watching. (But that happens later.)

Below is an epic story that unfolds on two fronts. Adventures in Wafford see the Straw Hat crew trying to help Adio and Lim by defeating a handful of elemental colossi that are responsible for the massive storm that surrounds the island ( I know, what’s the worst thing that could happen?); It takes place in the world of Memoria. The new facts and twists don’t shock anyone, but I still enjoyed both sides of the Odyssey story immensely. , I found her very cautious and cold-hearted towards the crew, intrigued and at times amazed by their individual quirks, and eventually came to fully accept the Straw Hat Pirates as friends. I loved watching..

Odyssey is aimed directly at longtime One Piece fans.

Aimed directly at longtime One Piece fans, Odyssey, whose story picks up after the Dressrosa arc (around 750 episodes), isn’t shy about taking a deep dive into some of the biggest surprise shows. This would be a tough recommendation for newcomers to the series, but if you’re deeply invested in the world and characters of One Piece, the Memoria chapter really pays off. It comes in the form of “what if”-like scenarios that revisit the moment with a new perspective. Even small things, such as the crew’s reaction to seeing the Going Merry docked in Alabasta, are moments that deliver a powerful emotional gut punch for longtime fans like myself. Moments like this are at the core of One Piece Odyssey’s story, thanks to the writing that seems to be in perfect harmony with the anime and manga, excellent performances, and a great art style that truly translates Wang’s unique style. , splendidly brought to life. Make your pieces 3D.

piece of straw

Combat in One Piece Odyssey is refreshingly simple, but that simplicity is a double-edged sword. Traditional turn-based combat is enhanced by rock-paper-scissors logic that assigns damage his type of either power, speed, or technique to all party members, enemies, and bosses. Power beats speed, technique beats power, speed beats technique. The reason this system works is that there is no traditional turn order and you are free to choose which character you want to move first in battle. Even if you are not in an active party of 4, you can switch freely in less than a turn. You can also see which enemy will be your turn next and plan for that as well. When all four of her characters in the active party act, the combat round ends and everyone can act again.

One complication of all this is that the battlefield has multiple zones, and in order for one character to move from one character to another, he must first defeat all enemies in his zone. It is a must. So on paper, I have a strategy for determining the order of which characters attack first. One Zoro is stuck in a zone with one enemy weak to speed. can go to Zoro can then clean up other zones with one of his attacks that hits multiple enemies.

One Piece Odyssey is very easy with 95% of the combat, so strategy is rarely required.

This is an example strategy can will appear. The problem is that One Piece Odyssey is so easy in his 95% of combat that it rarely requires strategy and there is no way to adjust the difficulty. I never grinded – in fact I passed many enemies that could have given me even more experience points. Derived from a dramatic scene system that randomly gives additional goals. Most of the time it’s as simple as “defeat enemy C before his crew gets knocked out”, but the rewards are astronomical and the experience gained in a single battle is doubled or tripled. It can be more than double. I fought a horde of rats that gave me more experience than the big boss fight at the end of the chapter.

Difficulty ramps up significantly towards the end, but I still didn’t find it to be more challenging or particularly enjoyable combat. Rather than finding new weapons and armor, you find accessories of different sizes and shapes that you must fit into an ever-expanding grid. It’s a very flexible system that allows you to assign each character a unique role, and you can easily switch between them if you want to focus on a different character or enhance a different attribute. You can also make Nami a great damage dealer by loading her with offensive gear. This is surprisingly effective given the fact that for a while, it’s the only character that can attack everything no matter what zone it’s in. Ability to fuse these artifacts and add up to 4 effects to them to turn your party into a complete beast.

Despite the lack of tension during combat, I enjoyed Odyssey’s combat overall, mainly because the special skills are so much fun to watch. Whether it’s Usopp’s doom rubber band ridiculousness or Zoro’s absolute villainy in nearly every move, Luffy’s Gear 3 and 4 abilities The attention to detail in how the developers took these iconic moves from the source material and incorporated them into Odyssey is truly eye-opening.

In Memoria

The Memoria Journey will take you to four major locations in One Piece’s storied history. Her ILCA, the developer, has done a great job of making each location feel like it’s actually inhabited. The kingdom of Alabasta is vast, with his two bustling towns, Nanohana and Albana, and the vast desert that connects them. Water Seven has the feel of a cold Venetian city with a river running along its many streets. It will only become available for exploration after all of the birdcage-related madness has subsided, but walking the streets of the recently-devastated Kingdom of Dressrosa is a chilling grief and an overwhelming sense of loss.

Of the four, only Alabasta’s first memorial location exhausted its welcome. It’s a very slow burn to get to the actual gist of the story you’re reliving, especially since leveling up doesn’t give you new techniques or abilities. Instead, just unlocking tons of abilities all at once at the end of the chapter creates an uneven sense of progression. A battle of the same type with an enemy of the same type lasts for several hours.

The main quest takes you back and forth between already visited locations.

Alabasta is especially disappointing as it is one of my personal favorite One Piece arcs. Luckily, others strike a better balance of pointing out the main quests to keep you focused on the story, while leaving simpler tasks to optional side quests. Hysteria’s side missions are a notable exception. Because at least you get a neat team-up special move that gathers her three party members together for one super-powerful attack.

Outside Memoria, explore a handful of puzzle-focused dungeons. These dungeons usually require the use of each individual character’s unique field technique. Luffy can use grapple points to cross gaps and grab items from a distance. Usopp can use his slingshot to knock down items or activate certain switches from a distance. Zoro can cut open steel doors and Chopper can pass through small passageways to access hidden locations. area. None of these abilities significantly enhance puzzles or exploration, but they do change the visual design of the dungeon, add collectibles hidden in secluded locations, and add extras to things other than just walking. It helps you to do something… on the road fighting enemies for hours.

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