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One Piece: Who’s Who in the Netflix Show

The world of One Piece will appear on Netflix as a live-action version of the popular manga. We recently first saw some of the extended casts in the series. Show concept art and set.. From Monkey D. Luffy to Redhead, Alvida and beyond, the show’s cast looks massive.

So, whether you’re a well-established fan or the first to discover One Piece, here’s everything you need to know about the cast and characters on the Netflix show.

Netflix One Piece Cast

Inaki Godoy starring as Monkey D. LuffyA behind-the-scenes video released by Netflix, showing a wide range of enthusiasm and energy. For beginners in the series, Luffy’s journey begins after eating the magical Devil Fruit and accidentally becoming a rubber man, empowering him to stretch, but cursing him for not being able to swim (all of us). I’m sure in the situation I found). He is a powerful fighter with an insatiable desire for flesh and a dream of becoming the king of pirates one day.

Luffy’s friend and mentor Shanks with red hair is played by Peter Gadiot of the Yellowjackets at Showtime. In the behind-the-scenes footage, we could easily get a glimpse of his ship, the Red Force. Shanks is a legendary pirate captain, but his friends simply know him as a redhead.

One Piece Netflix-Official Cast Gallery

Ilia Isoleris Paulino plays Luffy’s first real adversary, the pirate captain Alvida. In the original cartoon, she experiences considerable visual changes by the time the crew arrives at Logtown, the last port before the real adventure to the sea route known as the Grand Line begins. It will be interesting to see if the role will be recast in future episodes or if some changes will be made to deviate from the source material. (I’m just guessing, the crew’s visit to Logtown could be skipped altogether as the casting of the first-appearing Smoker character hasn’t been announced yet.)

Alvida’s ship, Miss Labduck, can be seen in great detail in behind-the-scenes footage and could be the setting for at least one of the early episodes. In manga and anime, Luffy first meets her friend Coby in Loveduck. Coby is played by Morgan Davies in this series. Characters don’t stay in cartoons for long, but they play a much bigger role in later series. Expect the show to run for several seasons so you can see where Koby’s story will end up.

The first real member of Luffy’s crew we meet is the legendary three-sword-wielding pirate Roronoa Zoro, played by Japanese actor Mackenyu Nitta. The actor previously embodied other boy-hit characters such as JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, and Rurouni Kenshin.

Roronoa Zoro will face Aidan Scott, who plays the brave and spoiled Helmepo, another character that was initially a small part but will become more influential in the future. Helmepo’s father, Ax Hand Captain Morgan, was portrayed by Langley Kirkwood in a second comic-to-screen role after playing Judge Lex in the 2012 Dreadlocks.

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